Oxford University ရဲ႕ တြဲဘက္ပါေမာကၡျဖစ္သူ Dr. Imad M.Abbadi ေရးသားတဲ့ Cloud Management and Security စာအုပ္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္.. မူရင္းတန္ဖိုးက 109 ေဒၚလာ ျဖစ္ၿပီး Sharewareonsale က Giveaway Free ေပးတာေတြ႕လို႔ ျပန္လည္မွ်ေဝလိုက္ပါတယ္.. Cloud Management နဲ႔ Security ပိုင္းကို ေလ့လာအသံုးခ်ေနသူေတြအတြက္ တန္ဖိုးရွိမယ္ထင္ပါတယ္..
About Author
Dr. Imad Abbadi is an Associate Professor of Information Security with more than 18 years’
experience of leading enterprise-scale projects. He works at Oxford University, leading activities to establish the next-generation trustworthy Cloud infrastructure. He has pioneered a novel, worldwide course in Cloud security which has been adopted at the university.
Dr. Abbadi currently teaches his Cloud security course as part of Oxford University’s M.Sc.
in Software and Systems Security. In addition to his teaching role he is also a principal
consultant and senior project manager for enterprise-scale projects spanning several domains, such as finance and healthcare. Dr. Abbadi is a strategic planner who helps several organizations to define their Cloud adoption strategy. Further, he has invented several tools to enhance Cloud trustworthiness and authored more than 40 scientific papers.
About Book
Written by an expert with over 15 years’ experience in the field, this book establishes the foundations of Cloud computing, building an in-depth & diverse understanding of the technologies behind it.
In this book, the author begins with an introduction to Cloud computing, presenting fundamental concepts such as analyzing Cloud definitions, Cloud evolution, Cloud services, Cloud deployment types and highlighting the main challenges. Following on from the introduction, the book is divided into three parts: Cloud management, Cloud security, and practical examples.
Key Features
• Covers in detail two main aspects of Cloud computing: Cloud management and Cloud security
• Presents a high-level view (i.e., architecture framework) for Clouds and federated Clouds which is
useful for professionals, decision makers, and students
• Includes illustrations and real-life deployment scenarios to bridge the gap between theory and practice
• Extracts, de nes, and analyzes the desired properties and management services of Cloud computing
and its associated challenges and disadvantages
• Analyzes the risks associated with Cloud services and deployment types and what could be done to
address the risk for establishing trustworthy Cloud computing
• Provides a research roadmap to establish next-generation trustworthy Cloud computing
• Includes exercises and solutions to problems as well as PowerPoint slides for instructors
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