Nexus Dock 14.11 ဟာ ကိုယ့္ကြန္ပ်ဴတာကို Nexus ရဲ႕ စတိုင္အျပည့္အဝကို ရရွိေစမွာျဖစ္ၿပီး စိတ္ႀကိဳက္ဒီဇိုင္းေတြနဲ႔ လန္းေနေစပါမယ္.. Background ေၾကာင့္ ေလးတာ၊ ေႏွးတာလည္း မျဖစ္ေစပါဘူး.. ကိုယ့္ကြန္ပ်ဴတာရဲ႕ Desktop မွာလည္း icon ေတြကို အမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးအလွဆင္ႏိုင္မွာျဖစ္တာေၾကာင့္ အလွအပ ကိုခံစားခ်င္သူေတြ ေဒါင္းယူႏိုင္ပါၿပီ..
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience.
The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents.
Main features:
ေမာင္ေပါက္< Knowledge Note >
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience.
The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents.

Main features:
- Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options.
- Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons.
- Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds.
- Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module.
- Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide.
- Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more!
- Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds.
- Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon.
- Multi-monitor support.
- Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
ေမာင္ေပါက္< Knowledge Note >
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