ဒီ Root Apk ကေတာ့ အသံုးအမ်ားဆံုး Root apk ျဖစ္ပါလိမ့္မယ္.. မဟာဗႏၶဳလပံုနဲ႔ Root apk ဟာ ဒီ Root apk ကို icon ေျပာင္းၿပီး အထဲက စာသားေတြကို အဂၤလိပ္လို ေျပာင္းထားတာပါ.. အရင္က နာမည္ႀကီးခဲ့တဲ့ z4Root, UniversanAndroot, King Root ေတြရဲ႕ အစြမ္းအထက္ဆံုး နည္းလမ္းေတြကို စုေပါင္းၿပီး ထုတ္လုပ္ထားတယ္ဆိုတဲ့ ဒီ Root master apk ဟာ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာ မလိုဘဲ ဖုန္းထဲမွာပဲ Root ေဖာက္နိုင္တဲ့ Root apk ေတြထဲမွာ အစြမ္းအထက္ဆံုးျဖစ္ေနပါတယ္.. ဗားရွင္းသစ္ကေတာ့ 9.11.2014 ရက္ေန႔က Update ထုတ္ေပးထားတာပါ.. ဗားရွင္းသစ္မွာေတာ့ MTK Device ေတြနဲ႔ Qualcomm အတြက္ ေျဖရွင္းခ်က္အသစ္ေတြအျပင္ Samsung Model အသစ္ေတြအတြက္ပါ ထပ္ျဖည့္ထားတယ္လို႔ဆိုပါတယ္..
ခုရက္ပိုင္း Updates ေတြ ခပ္စိပ္စိပ္ထြက္ေနၿပီး ဒီေန႔ေတာ့ Root Master Version 3.1.0 ထြက္လာလို႔ တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္..

Official description
Smart safe and fast one-button Root Master Professional Edition spike once a key root master
1 The software integrates z4root , UniversalAndRoot, kingroot other Root ways, smart match Root model that best suits your program
2 users You can choose to connect clouds Cloud Root, the software will filter hundreds of models in the way of common Root server, find tailored to your exclusive Root program.
will automatically backup system critical files before 1 this software Root, Root process to ensure foolproof.
2 networking of cloud Root File MD5 code to automatically detect and prevent failures due to network problems caused Root.
1 software is small, fast, offline Root way takes about 40 seconds, depending on network conditions Root cloud networking between 1 minute to 2 minutes.
2 integrated software management capabilities, easily delete unwanted software system built.
In short, a key root Master Professional Edition - a key root flagship brand, an upgraded version of the master key root.
Pro! Do not hesitate, root on the use of a master key root Professional Edition.
Update log
- 1. adaptation red rice root note a key program, now supports red rice and red rice note a key root.
- 2. Increase the English version prompt, convenient and non-Chinese users a key Root (required system language is English).
- 3. Increase the micro-channel attention, users can search for "findmaster" real experts to question root problem.
- 4. Optimize root processes, improve software stability.
Release Date : 17.11.2014
ေမာင္ေပါက္< Knowledge Note >
Root Master 3.1.0 apk : 5.06 Mb